Taking the Fun Out the “Play” House
You can count on Lebbeus Woods to provide startling clarity to any object he examines. Still, I have to wonder about his comments on architect Raimund Abraham’s project, Musikerhaus (Music House). Designed in four quadrants, each housing a musician, with an open middle where they can meet and perform together, the Musikerhaus is clearly a special form of “play house”.
Or as Woods notes:
How accustomed we are to architecture entertaining us with its novelty, or its richness, or its melodrama! This building challenges us with its sober, still, enigmatic presence. We are discomfited, unprepared. And then, we hear within it the sounds of music being played, crisp, equally clear and abstract, yet elusive, ephemeral….and we understand.
Without taking anything from this eloquent description, and speaking as a former rock music critic, this perspective feels awfully serious. The fact that music is “played” points to the non-trivial fact that music is also fun. The Musikerhaus construction is not quite complete. But my bet is this will be a fun house as much as some shrine to design.